Winner of the 2023 NM Game play award, "No Honor A'Munch Theives"
And Currently Featured at the Munch Museum in Oslo, Norway
“No Honor Amunch Thieves” is a multiplayer arcade art heist game where players compete against each other to steal the most paintings from the Munch museum. The game pits up to four players against each other. Players are equipped with the tools to steal, beat and swindle from the other thieves. But watch out! The Munch museum might have put-out some traps themselves! The game is inspired by the fun wacky cartoons of Looney Tunes and The Pink Panther.

More info to come soon!

"Willy and Rosie: Bust Out of The Big House" is a rage quit platformer set in a cartoony world. Meet weird and funny characters as you throw yourself upward on the long journey to give your Ball and Chain the honeymoon she deserves.